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December 16

Handshakes to the world
Everything is cross-functional until proven otherwise and the greatest potential is mostly to be found in interfaces, within the company or the ecosystem. Hence, one of the most important mechanisms we have contributed with throughout the years is probably strategically chosen cross-functional arenas, e.g. Customer Online for securing quality or Sales Online for securing real time sales support. Perhaps, bringing people together in the most effective of ways will be our main legacy. You see it all the time. Everywhere. That’s why we use the handshake symbol as one of our trademarks. I never forget what Dalai lama said at a gathering some decades ago; “An educated human being has learned to see differences. A wise human being has learned to see similarities.” There you go. There you find the reason to 90 percent of the issues. So, how many handshakes are you planning for next year? For tomorrow?